Percent Off Calculator

Easily calculate percent discounts with our percent off calculator. Whether it's10 percent off, 20 percent off, 25 percent off, or more, this tool helps you find the final price and total savings instantly.

Result will appear here

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Use the Percent Off Calculator

1. Fields Overview:

  • Original Price: The starting price of the product or service before any discount.
  • 1st Percent Off: The primary discount percentage.
  • Has stackable additional discount?: A yes/no option to apply a second discount.
  • Additional Discount: The second discount percentage if you choose to stack an additional discount.
  • Final Price: The price after applying all discounts.
  • Saved Amount: The total amount you saved from applying the discount(s).
  • Total Percent Off: The combined percentage discount if multiple discounts are applied.

2. How to Use the Calculator

How to Calculate a Single Discount

Use this method if you only have one discount to apply:

  1. Enter the original price (e.g., $100).
  2. Enter the first percent off (e.g., 20%).
  3. Click "Calculate".


  • Original Price: $100
  • 1st Percent Off: 15%
  • Final Price = $85
  • Saved Amount = $15
  • Total Percent Off = 15%

Result: The calculator will show the final price and the saved amount. The total percent off will be equal to the 1st percent off.

How to Calculate Stackable Discounts

Use this method for applying multiple discounts, such as a store discount and a coupon::

  1. Enter the Original Price. Example: $100.
  2. Enter the 1st Percent Off. Example: 15%.
  3. Select 'Yes' for additional discount.
  4. Enter the Additional Discount. Example: 10%.
  5. Click 'Calculate'.

Result: The final price will reflect both discounts, and the saved amount will be shown. The total percent off is compounded.

  • Original Price: $100
  • 1st Percent Off: 15%
  • Additional Discount: 10%
  • Final Price = $76.50
  • Saved Amount = $23.50
  • Total Percent Off = 23.5%

Summary of Percent Off Calculation Methods

Calculating percent off can vary depending on whether you have a single discount or multiple stackable discounts. Here's a quick overview:

  • Single Discount: The calculator applies the percentage discount directly to the original price. For example, 15% off $200 results in $170 as the final price.
  • Stackable Discounts: The calculator applies the first discount to the original price, then applies the second discount to the reduced price. For example, 20% off $100 followed by an additional 10% discount results in $72 as the final price.

This percent off calculator is versatile for any sale scenario, including 20 percent off, 30 percent off, or 50 percent off calculations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you calculate percent off a price?

To calculate percent off a price, multiply the original price by the discount percentage and divide by 100. Then, subtract the result from the original price to get the discounted price. For example, if an item costs $100 and you want to calculate 20 percent off: (100 × 20) ÷ 100 = $20. Subtract $20 from $100, and the final price is $80.

What is a 20 percent off calculator?

A 20 percent off calculator is a tool that helps you quickly calculate the final price and amount saved when 20% off is applied to an item's price. Just input the original price, and it does the math for you instantly.

How do you calculate 15 percent off without a calculator?

To calculate 15 percent off manually, multiply the original price by 0.15 (15%), then subtract this amount from the original price. For example, for an item priced at $80: (80 × 0.15) = $12. Subtract $12 from $80, resulting in a final price of $68.

What is a 50 percent off calculator, and when should you use it?

A 50 percent off calculator is designed to help you easily calculate half-off discounts. Simply input the original price, and the calculator divides it by 2 to give you the discounted price and savings. It's particularly useful for large sales or quick price checks.

How do you calculate multiple percent-off discounts on one price?

To calculate multiple discounts on a single price, apply each percentage discount sequentially. For example, if an item costs $100, and you apply 20% off, the reduced price is $80. Then, applying another 10% off on $80 gives a final price of $72.

Can I calculate percent off between two prices?

Yes, you can calculate percent off between two prices using the formula: ((Original Price - Discounted Price) ÷ Original Price) × 100. For example, if the original price is $120 and the sale price is $90: ((120 - 90) ÷ 120) × 100 = 25%.

What is a percent off price calculator?

A percent off price calculator helps you determine the final price after applying a discount percentage to the original price. This tool is useful for quickly calculating savings during sales or while shopping online.

How do I calculate 30 percent off a product's price?

To calculate 30 percent off, multiply the product's price by 0.3 (30%) and subtract the result from the original price. For example, for a $150 product: (150 × 0.3) = $45. Subtract $45 from $150, leaving a final price of $105.

How do you calculate 10 percent off an item?

To calculate 10 percent off, multiply the item's price by 0.1 (10%) and subtract the result from the original price. For instance, for a $50 item: (50 × 0.1) = $5. Subtract $5 from $50, leaving a discounted price of $45.

Why use a sale calculator for percent off discounts?

A sale calculator for percent off discounts ensures you get quick, accurate results without manual calculations. It's perfect for determining savings during sales, calculating final prices, and comparing offers.